You must have already heard the name of Java. But in your mind this question might have come up with what Java is and how to learn Java Programming Language? In today's article we will reply to you and would like to provide some more information related to it.
Programming Language Demand is very much in today's time. I will tell you an interesting thing, then you will shine away from you. At present, more than 3000000 electronic devices use Java code. From this point you can get an idea of how popular that programming language is.
Even though you are still using Smart Phone and it is used in all of the electronic device such as AC, Oven, Smart TV, Digital Fridge. Programming different parts in some Automated Industries Equipment too.
If you want to learn Android Programming, then learning Java is very important. So let's know what Java is like.
What is Java?
Java is a General Purpose Programming Language. They are used for software and application development. java is a high level programming language. Sun-micro system introduced it in 1995. James Gosling is one of its leading developer. This is Platform Independent Language. You can run the code written in it on any platform or OS.
All the codes written in java are in English, not in Numeric Codes. Anyone can easily understand the written code. That's why it is included in the High Level Language. It follows the concept of Oops. Fundamental of C ++ Language has been used in it.
Some Rules are followed to write the program, which is called Syntax. Writing the program without syntax leads to an error. Like when you type Hindi or English, if you do not follow the rules of Grammars, then it goes wrong, however it is very important to follow Syntax in it.
What is the use of Java?
This computer programming language has the same motive. Any code written in it should run in all computers. Whether it's the same machine or not, I mean to say that code written in C ++, such as an OS (Windows or Mac), is never a single Execute in another machine. Code written in Windows never runs in Mac OS, but this is incorrect in case of java.
It is used to create web based programming and mobile application software. All Android operating systems like Kitkat, Lolipop, Oreo have all been developed from this programming language. In today's time, the number of web pages that go on the Java Script. You will have a question about how code execution is done?
Java Program Code How Run or Execute?
This language uses an Abstract Computing Machine to run Code, which is named Java Virtual
Machine. It is very important for you to understand this.
Java Virtual Machine
Its short form is JVM. This is a virtual computer that runs all Java programs. When a program is written the same is called Source Code. Source Code is compile with the help of Java Compiler, Byte Code is generated. JVM is used to execute this Byte Code. JAVA Interpreter lives inside the JVM and runs the same program.
One thing that everybody who runs the Computer java program, JVM is already installed in all of them, so that code runs in the computer. For this reason java is a Platform Independent Language. The other are the programming languages of their compiler that produce the code. They Generate for the same sysytem and run in the same system. But java compiler which generates a byte code happens to JVM.
Due to the JVM being in the whole system, this program runs in every computer. This makes Virtual Machine code worth running in the operating system.
Platform Independent
By its name, you may have understood that Dependency does not depend on the platform. Here the platform means the OS. Such as Windows, Linux, Mac, Android When we create a program or make any software, they run on all the OS platforms. But there are some programs that only run on a single computer and OS. Such a program is called Platform Dependent Program. If someone is a program that runs on all other platforms. It's called the Platform Independent Code.
It means, java is a programming language whose code runs across cross-platform. There is a saying "Write Once Run Any Where". So let's talk now, where it is used and what is the use.
What was the purpose of creating JAVA? (Use of Java)
You must know that there are as many programming languages as before and are. They all follow Procedural Structure. After this Obeject Oriented concept I am reminded that in today's time, Obeject Oriented changed the entire Programming Industry. This programming language also follows this concept.
You may be thinking, already there are so many computer languages, yet what is the specialty in it. In the present time, you must know how much of the Internet application is in Demand. Whether it is online video / image editing, even if some online convert is to be translated like Word to PDF, ZIP, RAR FILE, it is all about this change.
Nowadays filling out the online form, Online Calculator is possible only with the help of java. JAVA works in collaboration with another web based language in Internet. It is clear that it has been developed to develop Internet applications and tools. If we compare with other languages, then it is easily executed in Internet. It is also very easy to write program in.
A powerful Web application can be created with the help of Java Script, JSP (Java Server Pages) and java. You can implement java applets easily in the web. With this help you can also write a Offline Program which also runs without internet. I would like to give you this advice, if you want to do something else in the world of SW further, then learn this and how to learn this language. You will also find this information in this article. So far you have learned a lot but you should also know about its history.
Brief History Of Java
Its history is very fun, so you need to know it very much. It started with the Green Team. Members of the Java team were called Green Team. The only aim of this team was to create a language that can be programmed like Set-top Boxes such as Electronics Devices, Television. At that time it was an Advance Concept. But this proved to be more helpful for the Internet on the move. After some time, this technology was found with NetScape.
James Gosling
James Gosling, one of the leading Developer of JAVA. Java is currently used for Internet Programming, Mobile Devices, Games, E-Business Solutions.
James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton started the project of Java Language in 1991. He had teamed up with an Engineers team to work on this project that was named Green Team. This language is written in Coding C. James Gosling has named this language as GreenTalk and File Extension was .gt. Later, its name was changed to Oak.
Why was it named Oak?
Oak is also called a symbol of Strength. National Tree is the Oak Weasten Countries (USA, France, Germany, Romania). In 1995, the name of Oak was changed to Java, because Oak was already the Trade Mark of the Oak Technologies Company at the time. Now the next question is, why is it named Java why no other name?
Why was it named JAVA?
When the Green Team was selecting a joint language name All those team members gave suggestions of some names such as Dynamic, Revolutionary, Silk, Jiot, DNA They used to tease someone like that who represent their technology. Any such name as Revolutionary, Dynamic, Lively, Cool, Unique According to James Gosling, the suggestions of the two names were finally a silk and second java. The name of the JAVA was very unique to the Green Team, finally this name was java.
Java was the name of an island of Indonasia. Where was the first coffee production. It was developed in Sun MicroSystem. It is now a part of Oracle Corporation. JDK 1.0 was released in January 1996.
History of Java version
As well as the release of different versions of JAVA over time, their information has been given below.
JDK Alpha and Beta (1995)
JDK 1.0 (23 Jan, 1996)
JDK 1.1 (19 Feb, 1997)
J2SE 1.2 (8 Dec, 1998)
J2SE 1.3 (8 May, 2000)
J2SE 1.4 (6 Feb, 2002)
J2SE 5.0 (30 Sep, 2004)
Java SE 6 (11 Dec, 2006)
Java SE 7 (28 July, 2011)
Java SE 8 (18 March, 2014)
Where is the use of Java?
Now with more than 3 Billion devices running with the help of java This is the most widely used programming language in IT Industriy.
JSP - This is a Web Technology, it is used in the Use Web application. With the help of JSP, Java code is inserted into the HTML document. JSP Tag is used to insert Java code in HTML tags. Dynamic Web Pages are created with this help.
PHP- You must know this is a server side scripting language. Java is also used in php.
Applets - This is also a full Java program. Which is added inside the web page. This gives new features in web browser. The applets stay within the HTML. Some online games are also examples of Applets. Plugins are required to run applets in Web Browser.
J2EE - Java 2 Enterprise Edition is a Platform Independent Environment. With the help of which Web based Enterprise Applications are created. Web application created by J2EE is used to share XML Based Structured data with companies.
JavaBeans - This is similar to Visual Basic. New and Advanced Applications are created with the help of the already existing Component. In it many objects are placed in an object called bean.
Mobile - Despite all the above technology, this language has very good contribution in Mobile Devices. It completely changed Game Industries. Whichever Mobile Industries are they use all of Java Technology.
Types of Java Applications
Web Application
Mean Server side web application to develop. All of these are used to create Web Application in the present time, Servlet, Jsp, Struts, jsf.
Standalone Application
This means the desktop application and Mobile application These are those which we use everyday. Example: - Media Player, Antivirus, MS-Office, Browsers. Standalone applications are easily created with the help of AWT and SWING.
Enterprise Application
Java is the only programming in creating many enterprise applications. Because this Provides High Level Security. Banking software, Industry application, accounting application EJB (Enterprise Java Bean) is used to create all these types of enterprise applications.
Mobile Application
You will know about the number of games and applications that run in the mobile are made from this language. All the apps in the Google Playstore are developed from all java programming.
Everything in Object Oriented - java is Object Oriented. With the help of Object Model, you can easily create large long code app / sw
Platform independent - This is a rich language in which the written software can run in all operating systems. Which is also called Cross Platform. But if you talk C and C ++, then this is both Platform Dependent Language.
Simple - You can easily understand this and write it easily, this is its quality. That is why it is called Simple. If you understand the basic concept of oops, then no one can stop you from becoming a master in java.
Secure - This is very popular because of its security feature. Virus Free, Tamper Free System software can develop. Public Key Encryption is used in Authentication Technique.
Architectural Neutral - The code that is generated by the compiler is a byte code. You can run the code anywhere, in any operating system and processor. Therefore, it is being described as Architectural Neutral. For this, it is mandatory to have a JVM which is in all systems.
Portable - Platform Independent is also portable because of it. Because java and compiler are both written in ANSI C.
Robust - All the programs written in it are strong. Strong means do not have the power like iron. When PROGRAM is run, there is no error in it. Because compile time and run time error checking mechanism is used.
Multi-threaded - Due to the same features, you can write a program that can perform a multiple task. Meaning there will be an application and in the same you can do all the tasks.
High Performance : - Performance of java is very good due to Just in Time Compilers.
Distributed - Because of this nature, Internet has its status in the Distributed Environment.
Dynamic - This is Dynamic Programming. Any environment can adapt it.
Different Editions of Java Technology
Java SE: - Java SE or Java Standard Edition provides tools and APIs for you to create server applications, desktop applications and applets programs. All the programs that are written with the help of java SE run in all operating systems. Like Linux, Windows, Mac
JEE - (java Enterprise Edition) web application Services, Component model, is helpful for Enterprise Class Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
JME - Java Micro Edition or JME is a collection of APIs. They are used to develop Mobile Phones application, PDAs, TV Set-Top Box software, Gaming Program. The interface of micro edition platform is quite user friendly. Along with it is trust. Security Model offers different types of Built in Network which you can run in java based application.
What do you want to run Java in Computer?
Firstly, follow the instructions given to Java software development kit at Download this website from this link.
Java Editors to Write Java Programs
You will need editors to write Java program and you can use the following editors Notepad ++ is an editor in which you can easily write code. Finding an error and smiling Missing Bracket also makes it easy.
Netbeans - This Java IDE is an open source and free. You can download this link from
Eclipse - This is also the java IDE that has been developed by eclipse open source community. You can download this link from
How to learn Java?
According to Programming Demand, if you know the fundamentals of programming, then you should learn java. Because you can make millions earning by developing software and creating an app in the play store. That's why I recommend you learn easily from some tutorial sites or from YouTube to Video Series. List of some of the following channel names and websites from where You can learn Java
Name of tutorial site for learning JAVA
My last opinion on this article
This information is more useful for special students. What is the java you learned in today's article? What is the use of this Programming Language? You must know the history of java too. The most urgent questions you ask people how to learn Java and the specialty of the Characteristics, Features of java. How many types of application can you develop from java language You have got the knowledge of everyone.
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